23 June 2008

Right Writing

I wasn't expecting flak from my Tiesto post in late April. For starters I was stunned to learn that anyone would even READ my blog, much less be offended by being named in it. So I crawled into a creative hole and shut up for fear of displeasing you, dear reader. (If you exist.) Which is strange since in my "real life" mode I'm supposedly renowned for pissing people off with some regularity. (Though because bitchy gossiping is more the norm in Thailand than trying to mend fences, I'm usually blithely unaware of the putative affront.)

It's impossible not to piss someone off some of the time. Even Abe Lincoln agrees with me. So I'm renewing my New Year's resolution to blog. Back on 4 January I forswore to be creative on a daily basis. Now I promise only to write as regularly as I can and be as unfettered as possible within the confines of Thai political and cultural norms. I desperately need to rehone my verbal acuity skills so it doesn't take me a ridiculous TWO hours to write these two paragraphs. And just as importantly I hope to rediscover the joy I once experienced observing and describing the myriad wacky and noteworthy facets of my life.

1 comment:

Rupert James said...

I relate to the apparent futility of hours spent crafting a blog that nobody will probably ever see.

You might find this thread interesting:
